Who can work at FLCL?
All officially enrolled Bard students regardless of their race and/or nationality can apply for the job. The priority in the application process is given to the students who are on work-study; however, if a person does not satisfy the requirements, he or she may not be accepted and the job will be offered to a non-work student.Job Description
The Language Center @ Bard will be hiring between 15 and 20 students who are (in order of importance)
- Native or fluent speakers of key languages (Rus, Fr, Ger, Ita, Spa, Ja, Ar, Chi)
- interested in getting trained to provide study skill and homework support for students of that language
- willing to learn to do well-performed and timely audio recordings of FL textsfor patrons w/special needs
- Experienced or willing to learn to do reliable resource archiving and in-depth online resource research in their native tongue
- Committed to weekly activity logs and in-person zoom check-ins with our student manager
- Interested in event planning or researching, presenting, or performing in themes such as the practice or lack of intercultural competence, questions of inclusion and diversity, decolonized curricula, social justice in (language) classrooms, global citizenship, etc.
- Have creative computer and technology skills to help with the FLCL website up-keep, create LC training videos , program FL related apps, or set up productive social media network for LC
Job Requirements
Additional Opportunities
Opportunities for Special Projects such as Webpage Design, Foreign Language Software Development, or Foreign Language Software Research are possible as a part-time job in CFLC. Please send an email directly to Stephanie Kufner. if you are interested.